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What was OSAD 2018 about?

To give you a better idea of what topics you expect from OSAD, let’s take another look at OSAD 2019. The following presentations were on the programme:

Why are Container technologies so important today?

The case for Event-Driven Automation

Continuous Deployment with opsi

Ansible – “Half of it nobody understands anyway”

Puppet at IT-DLZ

Automated Linux maintenance work with katprep

IT Automation at DM


From Monolith to Microservices

Continuous Delivery around GitHub

The Basis for Innovation – IT Automation with orcharhino


Containers from the Assembly Line

Automated testing and release of software packages with Katello and Ansible

SUSE Linux – Because freedom just tastes better

Ops hates containers! Why?

Apache Kafka®

The Foreman makes the Puppets dance

Infrastructure as Code or why OPS need Automation

Docker Enterprise in DevOps Context

THE OSAD 2018 in Pictures