Automation of SLES environments: From Open Source Projects to Enterprise Solutions

The presentation takes a short journey from open source projects to enterprise solutions.
The focus is on the administration of SLES systems, for which I will introduce you to Foreman and the Foreman SCC Manager Plugin.

ATIX uses all the experience and knowledge to offer a enterprise product for the automation of IT environments based on Foreman/Katello.
The open source model results in a win-win-win situation for the open source community, ATIX, and its customers.


Max Blue BG

Maximilian Kolb works at ATIX AG as a technical content creator.
His tasks include creating and updating documentation for orcharhino and he is a maintainer of Foreman documentation on Github.
He relies on automation just as much as his colleagues developing orcharhino: for every commit within orcharhino documentation, Gitlab lints his python scripts, yaml files, checks for broken links, builds documentation, and deploys it to an internal HTTP server.