Low-ops Kubernetes for a small on-premises footprint (GER)

In our development project for automated driving, we and the vehicle developers mainly work cloud-based with the collected data; the vehicles still drive in the real world to a large extent.

In this talk, we would like to present our lightweight on-premises footprint that starts at the vehicle and ends in the cloud – relying virtually entirely on open source tools.

The following topics will be touched upon:

  • Focus on low operational effort with high automation
  • Provisioning Kubernetes and the Kubernetes resources via GitOps.
  • High availability of the cluster and the applications
  • Monitoring, Alerting and Health Checks from infrastructure to applications
  • Lessons Learned

Vincent builds low operations IT infrastructure for automated driving projects at Mercedes Benz. With a strong background in container technologies and Kubernetes he mainly designs and builds the on-premises and Cloud parts enabling a high-bandwidth ingest of terabytes of data to a cloud infrastructure. Besides that he is a part-time developer and consultant in these areas with an interest in serverless technologies.