OSAD Workshops 2022

On Thursday 06.10.2022 we invite you to participate in our OSAD Workshops 2022.

Location: Online

Duration: Full day

Please note: The purchase of a workshop ticket includes the participation in both conference days on 04.10. + 05.10.2022 (online).

Kubernetes Security – Attacking and Defending Kubernetes (DE)

In this hands-on workshop, we will start from an unprotected Kubernetes cluster and secure it step by step.

In addition, let’s look at an example container application and harden it one by one.

More information can be found here.

Linux Advanced Security (DE) – (NOT AVAILABLE)

This course provides a basic overview of common hardening options and uses SELinux, AppArmor, and fail2ban as examples to demonstrate three important tools.

Also demonstrated are OpenVAS and Dev-Sec, two other programs for detecting and closing common security vulnerabilities. The workshop is as interactive as possible – theoretical and practical content is provided for the respective tasks.

More information can be found here.

Linux Advanced Security

Introduction to Ansible with AWX (DE)

Ottavia Balducci

This workshop provides knowledge about the basic building blocks of AWX.

In the workshop, we will gradually discuss all the steps that lead to a finished job template.

More information can be found here.

Ansible Logo

GitOps mit ArgoCD (DE) – (NOT AVAILABLE)

Pascal Fries

This workshop teaches the GitOps workflow for applications in Kubernetes with ArgoCD.

ArgoCD is a GitOps operator, i.e. a tool for synchronization between Git and Cluster.

More information can be found here.


Einführung in Terraform (DE) – (NOT AVAILABLE)

Martin Grundei

This workshop provides a basic introduction to Infrastructure as Code with Terraform, including concrete use cases in the Azure Cloud.

We write Terraform code together and run it to build infrastructure in the cloud.

More information can be found here.

Terraform Logo


Jan Bundesmann

In our Git for Ops workshop, admins and opsies learn to efficiently collaborate with colleagues via Git in one day, manage Git repositories, and troubleshoot issues that arise on their own.

Prerequisites: You are proficient in navigating the Linux shell and can operate Linux command line editors.

More information can be found here.


Multi-Host Deployment und initiale Konfiguration mit orcharhino (DE) – (NOT AVAILABLE)


In this workshop, participants will learn how to deploy multi-host-applications over network using orcharhino and then configure the hosts via orcharhino using Ansible.

Participants receive a fully functional test environment on which they can create virtual machines themselves under guidance.

More information can be found here.

Autonomous and proactive multi-cloud optimization using the open-source MELODIC platform (ENG) – (NOT AVAILABLE)

This workshop, entitled: “Autonomous and proactive multi-cloud optimization using the open-source MELODIC platform” will provide an introduction to the multi-cloud application modeling, configuration, deployment, and adaptation, including the survey of the existing Cloud Management Platforms (CMP), modeling methods, and languages.

Moreover, we will provide an overview of the latest research, the comparison of different CMPs available (such as Cyclone RightScale and Google Cloud Anthos).

More information can be found here.