Is it all just CI theater?

Continuous Integration is actually mainstream:
Almost all teams do it and there is nothing really new to learn on the subject in 2021.
You would think so!

If you take a closer look, the question of what “real CI” actually is often becomes difficult. And so some teams eagerly play CI theater without really taking advantage of the positive effects of CI.
Konstantin shows the common pitfalls of using Continuous Integration and how to avoid them. It will also deal with the handling of Git & Co.

Konstantin Diener is CTO at cosee. He is passionate about software development and is on fire for Clean Code and Test Driven Development. As CTO, he is now more concerned with the framework conditions for cross-functional development teams. He speaks regularly at conferences and was the author of the “DevOps Stories” column in Java Magazine (, which covers agile, DevOps & New Work.