GitOps – Kubernetes The Easy Way

Managing Kubernetes should be simple, easy, and clear. The Kubernetes toolbox was designed to make well-known DevOps practices and ultimately automation achievable. The four GitOps principles provide the critical guide for Kubernetes to achieve the desired properties.

This presentation introduces the four GitOps principles for Kubernetes. These principles are the declarative approach, version control, deployment automation and continuous delivery. Furthermore, the use of template languages for and the management of sensitive data in Kubernetes are addressed.

Andy Wirtz is a Senior IT Consultant at ATIX AG (Germany) and Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA). He helps customers build and configure container platforms, deliver cloud-native services, and develop microservice applications. He specializes in the technical practices of DevOps, Continuous Delivery and Automation. He offers basic and in-depth training, workshops, and webinars on Kubernetes and OpenShift.